Here’s another example of the amazing things we can do if we can get our Parts to step back. Like the Baseball video that we posted recently, the golfer in this video had to constantly adjust his technique (mentally and physically) to achieve the outcomes that he desired.
I believe the difference in being good at something and being a professional has a lot to do with what is going on in our mind. I have been told that most of the pros have people working with them in order to quiet their minds (what we call getting into Self) in order to get to the next step. I believe that if we do this for ourselves in our every day lives, we can accomplish just about anything we want without the use of gimmicks or drugs. This includes quitting smoking, controlling anger, calming ourselves, etc.
How do your Parts challenge you when you’re learning something new? Do they tell you that you can’t do something or that you’re not good enough? Do they push you to keep trying until you accomplish your goal?